The Multi-Channel Content Optimization Strategy

The early stage grind for a B2B SaaS founder is real. You’re juggling product development, sales, and building a brand. One area that often gets squeezed is content marketing. But you’re always going to need content — whether that’s the pages on your website, email notifications, or your application itself.

The problem? Different channels demand different content. On Twitter, people find long technical reports to be boring. While fun and informal posts won’t work on LinkedIn.

This is where a winning content framework comes in. Learn what makes content popular, then adjust it for different sites. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time.

The Four Pillars

This framework focuses on four key pillars. These will always apply, no matter what channel:

  • Audience: Who are you talking to? Learn their struggles, what they want to know, and how they like to consume content on each platform.
  • Value Proposition: What problem are you solving for your customers? Tailor your message to address their specific challenges on different channels.
  • Content Type: Is it a blog post, infographic, short video, or something else? Choose the format that best suits the platform and your audience’s preferences.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Try to move your audience down the funnel with every piece of content you create. What do you want them to do next? Craft clear and compelling CTAs that are specific to each platform.

Applying the Framework Across Channels

Let’s see how this framework translates into action on different platforms:


Email marketing allows for a more targeted approach compared to social media. Here’s how the framework translates into effective email campaigns:

  • Audience: Segmentation is key! Divide your email list based on demographics, interests, or lifecycle stage (e.g., new leads vs. existing customers). Tailor your content and offers to resonate with each segment.
  • Value Proposition: Provide valuable content that addresses the recipient’s specific needs and challenges. Offer solutions, industry insights, or exclusive content to incentivize engagement.
  • Content Type: While emails can be text-heavy, visuals are still important. Use a mix of text, images, GIFs, or short videos to break up the content and keep it visually appealing. Consider interactive elements like polls or surveys for higher engagement.
  • Call to Action: Craft clear and compelling CTAs that encourage recipients to take the next step. This might be downloading a white paper, attending a webinar, or signing up for a free trial.

Pro tip for Email Marketing: Personalization goes a long way. Call them by name, remember what they liked, and suggest things they might enjoy.


Subject Line is King: Craft catchy and informative subject lines that entice recipients to open your emails.

Mobile-Friendly Design: Most people check email on their phones. So make sure your emails look good on them.

Frequency Matters: Don’t bombard your subscribers! Determine an optimal sending frequency based on your audience preferences and content strategy.

Social Media

Social media is all about gaining attention. To stand out, your content needs to be catchy, informative, and visually appealing. Here’s how the framework translates to social media success:

  • Audience: Understand who you’re targeting on each platform. For example, LinkedIn users are typically professionals seeking industry insights. Twitter users, on the other hand, might crave quick updates and engaging discussions.
  • Value Proposition: Focus on delivering quick wins and valuable takeaways. Social media is not the place for in-depth explanations. Offer actionable tips, industry trends, or thought-provoking questions to spark conversation.
  • Content Type: Short and sweet is key! Use visuals like infographics, memes, or short explainer videos. That’s the way to grab attention in a crowded feed. Consider live streams or Q&A sessions for real-time engagement.
  • Call to Action: Keep it clear and concise. Some channel don’t allow for in-content links. In other cases they’re allowed but their inclusion seriously restricts your reach.

Pro tip for Social Media: Leverage platform-specific features. Use polls or quizzes on Twitter. Host Instagram stories with behind-the-scenes glimpses, or encourage user-generated content with relevant hashtags.


  • Post Consistently: Develop a regular posting schedule for each platform. Consistency is how you stay top-of-mind with your audience.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages promptly. Foster a community around your brand on social media.
  • Track and Analyze: Use social media analytics tools to understand what content resonates best with your audience. Adapt your strategy based on data insights.

Organic Search

This what some may refer to as SEO or content marketing. The content is primarily text-based, although you may want to use some visuals. Here’s how the framework translates into search success.

  • Audience: Blog readers tend to be at various stages of the buyer’s journey. Some might be problem-aware, while others might be actively researching solutions. Tailor your content to address different levels of awareness.
  • Value Proposition: Blogging is a great way to show what you know and be seen as an expert. Focus on educating your audience about industry trends, best practices, and how your solution solves their pain points.
  • Content Type: Blog posts offer flexibility. Use a mix of formats like long-form articles with in-depth analysis, shorter “how-to” guides, listicles, or case studies. It alls depends on your topic and audience.
  • Call to Action: Blog CTAs can be diverse. Encourage readers to download an ebook, subscribe to your newsletter, attend a webinar, or simply learn more about your product.

Pro tip for Blog Posts: Optimize your blog posts for search engines (SEO) to increase organic traffic. Use relevant keywords throughout your post and craft compelling headlines to improve searchability.


  • Variety is Key: Offer a mix of content formats to keep your audience engaged.
  • Internal Linking: Link to relevant blog posts within your site to improve navigation and keep readers engaged.
  • Promote Your Blog: Share your blog posts on social media and relevant online communities to reach a wider audience.

Video Marketing (YouTube)

YouTube, the king of online video, offers a versatile platform for B2B SaaS companies. Here’s how our framework translates into captivating YouTube content:

  • Audience: Understand who you’re targeting on YouTube. Consider demographics, interests within your niche, and typical video consumption habits. YouTube viewers often seek a mix of informative and entertaining content.
  • Value Proposition: Provide value through problem-solving, education, or entertainment (or a combination!).
  • Content Type: Variety is key! Use different video formats and lengths, including shorts. Explainer videos, product tutorials, and customer testimonials can all work. Consider interviewing industry leaders or offering behind-the-scenes glimpses into your company culture.
  • Call to Action: Integrate clear and concise CTAs throughout your videos and in the description box. In-video, encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe. Use the description box to provide an offer. That could be a free trial, demo, or anything that will move them off the platform to your site so you cam capture their email address.

Pro tip for YouTube Marketing: Optimize your videos for search. Use relevant keywords in your title, description, and tags. Create engaging thumbnails that grab attention in search results.


  • Keep it Engaging: People come to YouTube for entertainment as well as information. Maintain a dynamic pace, incorporate visuals and music, and consider adding a touch of humor to keep viewers hooked.
  • Community Building: Respond to comments, answer questions, and host live Q&A sessions. All these activities help to foster a community around your YouTube channel.
  • Analytics are Your Friend: Learn about audience demographics, watch time, and engagement metrics. Use this data to refine your content strategy and tailor future videos for maximum impact.

Online Communities

Online communities offer a valuable space to connect with potential customers. At the same time you can establish yourself as an authority, and build brand loyalty. Here’s how the framework translates into successful community engagement:

  • Audience: Identify the specific online communities relevant to your target audience. Research their culture, discussion topics, and preferred communication style.
  • Value Proposition: Provide genuine value to the community beyond just promoting your product. Get involved. Share industry insights, answer questions, and curate helpful resources.
  • Content Type: Adapt your content to the community’s format. They may be text posts, insightful comments on others’ discussions, or sharing relevant articles and videos. It might mean even hosting live AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions.
  • Call to Action: While self-promotion should be subtle, you can integrate CTAs organically. Offer free trials or demos in response to relevant questions. Link to helpful blog posts on your website, or invite community members to download a relevant ebook.

Pro tip for Online Communities: Be a Thoughtful Participant. Don’t just drop in with sales pitches. Build trust and rapport by consistently providing valuable contributions to the community.


  • Listen and Learn: Actively participate in discussions. Take note of community pain points so you may tailor your future content to address them.
  • Respect Community Guidelines: Every community has its own rules. Familiarize yourself with them and avoid any actions that might violate their trust.
  • Be Patient: Building relationships and establishing yourself as a valuable member takes time. Be consistent, helpful, and focus on building trust within the community.

Industry Publications

Share your knowledge and connect with potential customers who are interested in what you have to offer. Here’s how the framework translates into impactful content for industry publications:

  • Audience: Research the publication’s target readership and editorial guidelines. Tailor your content to their specific interests and level of expertise.
  • Value Proposition: Demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the industry. Offer valuable insights or solutions to industry challenges. Focus on original research, data-driven analysis, or cutting-edge trends.
  • Content Type: Industry publications often prefer longer-form content. Those could be white papers, research reports, or in-depth feature articles. Back up your claims with credible sources and data visualizations like charts or graphs.
  • Call to Action: While a direct sales pitch might not be appropriate, you can subtly encourage further engagement. Include a link to your website, offer a free consultation, or highlight upcoming webinars on the topic.
  • Pro tip for Industry Publications: Build relationships with editors. Research the publication’s past content and tailor your pitch to their existing editorial focus. Be clear about your expertise and the unique value your piece offers to their readers.


  • Quality is Paramount: Industry publications have high standards. Ensure your writing is polished, error-free, and adheres to their specific style guide.
  • Cite Your Sources: Credibility is key. Back up your claims with data, research, and quotes from industry leaders.
  • Timeliness is Crucial: Pitch your article based on current industry trends or upcoming events for maximum impact.

Follow this framework to tailor your content to the specific requirements of each platform. It will position you as an expert, build brand awareness, and generate qualified leads.

Stephen Jeske

For B2B SaaS founders only. Get weekly insight into building awareness, converting prospects, increasing adoption, and creating advocates using content.

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