How Valuable Content Moves Your Audience Through the Funnel

In a previous post, I introduced the concept of the content funnel. Imagine your ideal customers going on an adventure to discover your B2B software. Valuable content is like the map and helpful tips they need along the way. It guides them from never heard of you to happy paying customers!

Let’s break it down by stage. I’m going to use the standard terms awareness, consideration, and decision. They’re also known as top of funnel, middle of funnel, and bottom of funnel.

Awareness Stage — Capturing Attention and Sparking Interest

The first step is to get people to know your brand and see you as an expert. Valuable content is key to grabbing attention and building interest. It helps to move potential customers towards a sale.

Content Focus

  • Industry Challenges: Consider the problems your ideal customers face at work every day. Customer interviews and keyword research can help identify trending topics and industry issues.
  • Solutions (without selling): Brainstorm solutions to these problems. But hold off on mentioning specific products for now. The goal is to establish yourself as a knowledgeable resource, not a salesperson.
  • Future-Oriented Thinking: Explore emerging trends and technologies that could impact your target audience. This demonstrates your company’s forward-thinking approach and positions you as a trusted advisor.

Content Examples

Blog Posts

  • “The Top 5 Challenges Facing [Industry] Today and How to Overcome Them”
  • “[Industry Trend] - What You Need to Know to Stay Ahead of the Curve”

Informative Infographics

  • “Visualizing the State of [Industry] in 2024”
  • “[Data-Driven Statistic] Explained: How it Impacts Your Business”

Downloadable Guides

  • “The Ultimate Guide to [Industry Challenge]” (focus on providing actionable steps and insights)
  • “[Free Ebook]: Demystifying [Complex Industry Topic]”

How it Moves the Funnel

Addressing industry challenges and offering helpful solutions ,without self-promotion, offers several benefits:

  • Grabs Attention: Content that resonates with their struggles will pique their interest. It will make them want to learn more.
  • Establishes Thought Leadership: Show that you know your stuff and share helpful tips. People will see your company as a trusted source.
  • Positions Your Solution: Talk about the problems your software solves. It’s a more natural way to introduce your offering. Plus, it plants a seed in the reader’s mind for future consideration.
  • Encourages Engagement: Offer downloadable guides. Encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter or follow you on social media. This keeps them connected and allows you to nurture them further down the funnel.

Remember, the awareness stage is about building trust and brand awareness. Sharing valuable information makes people see you as an expert. You become someone they can rely on in your field.

Consideration Stage — Showcasing Value and Building Trust

In this stage, potential customers have identified a need. They’re actively researching solutions. Here’s how content can showcase the value of your B2B SaaS product. In building trust, you move them closer to a decision:

Content Focus

  • Product Benefits: Now’s the time to highlight the specific benefits and features of your product or service. Explain how it directly addresses their pain points and solves the challenges you discussed in the awareness stage.
  • Demonstrations and Comparisons: Don’t shy away from showcasing your product’s capabilities. Offer product demos, webinars, or free trials to allow potential customers to experience the value firsthand. Write comparisons of your product to others, showing what makes yours special. You can write about why you’re better than competitors (“versus”) or a good alternative to them (“alternative to”). These target different searches.
  • Customer Success Stories: Showcase the success stories of existing customers. Testimonials, case studies, and user stories show how our product helps businesses like theirs. It’s a great way to build trust and social proof.

Content Examples

  • Customer Case Studies: In-depth studies that show how real companies use your product to achieve specific results.
  • Webinars and Demos: Live or pre-recorded sessions showcasing your product’s features and functionalities.
  • Blog Posts:
    • “[Challenge] Solved: How [Company Name] Used [Your Product] to Achieve X”
    • “[Your Product] vs. The Competition: A Feature-by-Feature Comparison”
    • “Alternative to [Major Competitor]”
  • Free Trials and Product Demos: Offer a risk-free way for potential customers to experience your product firsthand.

How it Moves the Funnel

Content at this stage educates potential customers. At the same time, it positions your product as the best solution to their specific needs. Here’s how it moves them closer to a decision:

  • Educates on Value: Show how your product solves their problems.
  • Builds Trust: Demonstrations, case studies, and testimonials build trust by showing real-world results.
  • Positions Your Solution: Show how your product beats the competition to make yourself the clear winner.
  • Reduces Buying Friction: Free trials and demos let prospects experience value before committing.

Valuable content empowers potential customers to make informed decisions. You address their concerns and build trust. In turn, this moves them closer to becoming paying customers.

Decision Stage — Addressing Concerns and Sealing the Deal

The decision stage is crunch time. Potential customers have narrowed down their options. Now it’s time to evaluate their final choices before making a purchase. Here’s how valuable content can nudge them towards selecting your B2B SaaS solution:

Content Focus

  • Pricing Transparency: Be upfront and transparent about your pricing structure. Offer clear pricing guides and FAQs. Calculators can help potential customers estimate their costs and ROI.
  • Addressing Buying Concerns: Identify common buying objections and address them head-on. Content can address concerns about security, data privacy, set up, or return on investment (ROI).
  • Clear Calls to Action: Don’t be afraid to make a clear call to action (CTA). Offer free consultations, limited-time discounts, or highlight upgrade benefits for early adopters.

Content Examples

  • Pricing Guides: Provide detailed breakdowns of your pricing plans. Show what features are included at each tier, and potential cost savings.
  • Blog Posts:
    • “[Concern] Addressed: Why You Can Trust [Your Product] With Your Data”
    • “[Your Product]: The ROI You Can Expect”
  • Free Consultations: Offer personalized consultations to address specific questions and concerns.
  • Limited-Time Discounts: Create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers. Offer early adopter benefits where appropriate.

How it Moves the Funnel

Content at the decision stage removes the final hurdles to purchase. It positions your product as the clear choice. Here’s how it seals the deal:

  • Removes Pricing Objections: Transparency and clear explanations about pricing plans reduce hesitation.
  • Addresses Buying Concerns: Proactive content that tackles common concerns builds trust. Plus, it eliminates purchase anxiety.
  • Strong CTAs: Clear calls to action provide a next step. It guides potential customers towards a purchase decision.
  • Showcases Value Proposition: By addressing their concerns, you remind them of the value of your product. It makes the decision to buy a clear winner.

Providing valuable content at the decision stage shows you care about their success. This final push can turn hesitant prospects into loyal customers.

Remember, valuable content doesn’t just push – it pulls. Addressing your audience’s needs and interests at each stage builds trust. This way guides them naturally towards your solution.

Here are some additional tips

  • Maintain consistency: Keep your audience hooked with new content.
  • Track and analyze: See what clicks with your audience by tracking your content. Then adapt your plan.
  • Offer value at every stage: Don’t be overly promotional in the awareness stage. Focus on building trust and establishing expertise.

Imagine a path that turns curious visitors into fans. That’s what strategic content does! It educates, entertains, and solves problems, guiding people towards becoming happy customers.

Stephen Jeske

For B2B SaaS founders only. Get weekly insight into building awareness, converting prospects, increasing adoption, and creating advocates using content.

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